Recognizing Faith Month

Floor Speech

Date: April 11, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. GROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman for yielding.

Mr. Speaker, as has been said earlier tonight, John Adams said: ``Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.''

We are right now in danger in this country. We know that the government cannot establish a religion, but we live in a time in which our government is outright hostile to religion in general and to Christianity in particular.

We live under a welfare state in which we are openly hostile or certainly financially hostile to a traditional family.

During the 1960s, Kate Millett, a famous feminist, said that one of her goals is to destroy the American family, and the feminists had a lot of influence in the 1960s.

We have Black Lives Matter desiring to destroy the so-called western nuclear family, and countless Members of Congress stand with people like that.

The Marxists, of course--and many people are apparently following Marx--were hostile to the family.

We live in a time in which our sex education class is partly paid for by the Federal Government. When the Governor of Florida tries to delay these classes with graphic sex education until a person is 10 years old and that should have been 17 or 18 anyway, he is under attack.

We have the FBI monitoring Christian or religious parents who object to this anti-Christianity.

We are using our material wealth to lean on other countries around the world--Hungary, in particular, African countries, hostile to the practice of religion in those countries.

It is important that Congress, in particular, and Americans, in general, stand up and protect the Christian values and religious values that our country was founded under and stand up and prevent our current government from the hostility--not just neutrality; hostility--to the moral and religious people that our country was founded to protect.

